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    섹션 설정
  • TEAM
  • Introduction


    Buddtree Management 
    we together focus on development with our clients 

    Starting with India in 2017, Buddtree Management has developed into a global advisory and consultancy  group specialized in South Korea,

    Southwest  Asia, and the Middle East, providing end-to-end management advice necessary for corporate growth based on expertise and trust.

    Buddtree Management provides strategic and customized advisory optimized for the characteristics and tasks of the company.

    Risk management is managed in the mid to long term through comprehensive one-stop solution  in an integrated management method.

    It provides VIP-friendly consultation that is differentiated from the one-time general advice produced in mass production systems to the management system

    which  guarantees a responsibility management system that is essentially different from ordinary advisors who are difficult to follow-up management.

    Expert Group


    Overseas Investment. M&A, Acquisition Deal Source for Corporate Sale. Financing. Customized advice from global expert groups such as Korea, India, the United States, and the Middle East, including lawyers, accountants, and tax accountants specialized in international transactions and disputes and various legal, accounting, and tax Major fields




    Experts in each field form a customized team to implement individualized strategic investments and problem-solving methods for the company's challenges and goals they face.

    Comprehensive advisory management



    For Project from start to finish, local experts in each area of Buddtree are responsible for all tasks from the incorporation of the company to the end. Buddtree comprehensively manages advisory management without having to respond directly to various stakeholders and transaction parties.

    Long-term trust responsibility management



    Our unwavering commitment to accountability is our utmost priority. We take pride in being reliable partners, devoted to our clients' enduring mid to long term growth and profitability, with our focus on fostering lasting relationships, and not just providing one-time advice

    {"google":["Raleway","Roboto","Montserrat","Noto Sans"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}{"google":["Raleway","Libre Baskerville","Montserrat","Roboto"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
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